Sacral Chakra- this stone has a hot and fiery energy that stimulates the lower chakras ~
assists one in taking bold action when needed ~ helps circulate vital energy to your core center, which contains your deepest desires and powerful
creative instincts ~ helps to balance sexual energy with the vibration of love ~ aides in getting in touch with your romantic and passionate side
Sacral Chakra- this stone has a hot and fiery energy that stimulates the lower chakras ~
assists one in taking bold action when needed ~ helps circulate vital energy to your core center, which contains your deepest desires and powerful
creative instincts ~ helps to balance sexual energy with the vibration of love ~ aides in getting in touch with your romantic and passionate side
Sacral Chakra- this stone has a hot and fiery energy that stimulates the lower chakras ~
assists one in taking bold action when needed ~ helps circulate vital energy to your core center, which contains your deepest desires and powerful
creative instincts ~ helps to balance sexual energy with the vibration of love ~ aides in getting in touch with your romantic and passionate side